I'm a bit interested in physics and cosmology and the result of this orientation is a mathzine (matekzine), Number Fever. The zine is a kind of documentary, containing interesting facts about math issues, cosmology, or just nice compositions related to numbers in general. The purpose of NF is the representation and popularization of mathematics and the wonderful world of numbers.
Number Fever #3

Ezúttal olyan izgalmas vizekre eveztem, mint a kvantumfizika.... A Number Fever harmadik számának a témája a Schrödinger macskája gondolatkísérlet, annak több aspektusa, filozófiai következményei, változatai. Kicsoda Wigner barátja? Mi a gyík az a szuperpozíció? Hogyan lehet Pavlov macskája egy Lajka nevű kutya az űrben? Ilyen izgalmas kérdésekkel foglalkozik a fanzine.
A tartalom mellet a dizájn is érdekes, kollázstechnikával készült a zine, kb fele-fele arányban színes és fekete fehér, profi nyomdai kivitelezésű, 210x210mm négyzet alakú, vastag. Szóval ez egy különleges zine, kamu-tudományos értekezés és művészi megoldások fura egyvelege.
Paraméterek: 48 oldal, színes, profi nyomdai, A4 négyzet alakú, magyar nyelvű.
2500 ft
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Number Fever #2

The second Number Fever is based on the book of Sir Martin Rees called "Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces That Shape The Universe." Released in square format in two languages. The concept is very interesting, our universe has six values which are configured in a very special way that it is able to carry carbon baxsed, intelligent life. But how does these values form the cosmos and what would happen if these were different? These are the questions asked in this zine, and explained with easily understandable illustrations.
Parameters: English and Hungarian versions, 148x148 cm, b/w, 24 pages, yellow cover, sprayed cover.
500 ft/2Euro
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Number Fever #1

The debut issue of this exciting mathzine represents us famous numbers like Pi, e, Fibonacchi, etc. plus explains some facts related to complex numbers, history of zero and the anthropic theory. Besides the documentations the emphasis is on aesthetic, the zine is cut and paste composed, released in square format in two languages.
Parameters: English and Hungarian versions, 148x148 cm, b/w, 28 yellow pages, sprayed cover (so every copy is different from each other). For now only Hungarian copies left.
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